
My wife beats me whenever I correct the children- Man cries out

The man complaining while his wife listens.
The man complaining while his wife listens.

A man publicly shared his distressing experience of domestic violence within his family, as he accused his wife of regularly beating him up anytime he corrects their children.

He laid the complaints in the presence of the wife and the children during a special programme of the Zion Prayer Movement Outreach, called Holy Ghost Court.

He explained that when he disciplines his children physically, his wife retaliates by hitting him in front of them.

Despite his requests to address such matters privately, his wife continues this behaviour openly.

According to him, the children have now adopted their mother’s habit, responding to his discipline with physical aggression or by throwing objects at him.

During his testimony, some church members were observed laughing, and the man’s wife became defensive, verbally attacking him until their children intervened to calm her.

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