
Nursery pupil, 2, dies in Lagos school, mother kicks


The late Ella
The late Ella

A heartbroken mother is taking her daughter’s school to task after the child lost her life in yet-to-be-ascertained circumstances.

The mother who goes by the name Abia Princess on X, said her daughter left for school hale and hearty on Wednesday, Jan. 15 but never returned home alive.

The two-year-old girl, a student of Smiley Kids Montessori, in Sangotedo, Lagos State, died while in the custody of the school.

Abia Princess said she was told she drowned, but her own finding was that the child was electrocuted and was dumped in the pool to make it look like drowning.

She shared a picture of the pool with a high barricade to keep children away and she asked how a two-year-old could have climbed the barricade.Smiley School

She called on the Lagos State Government to investigate.

Meanwhile, the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency has responded, promising to look into the case.

See the bereaved mother’s tweets below.

“Dear Lagos State Government

Our daughter of 2years old went to school yesterday and did not return alive 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭”

“How do you have a pool in school premises without proper monitoring?😭

They lied she drowned in the pool but we have been able to find out it’s Electrocution, and they dropped her in the pool to look as if it was drowning.

Now they are lying to other parents that school is closed because of maintenance instead of telling the truth.

If nothing is done to close down that school other parents may cry for their own kids attending the school.

The pool has barricades how can a child of 2yrs climb?

Please help us get Justice for our baby she just celebrated her 2yr birthday November last year, left home well for school on 15/1/2024 and never came back alive😭😭😭”


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