This morning, a lady caused a snarl of traffic on Adeniyi Jones Street, Ikeja, when she decided to take her bath in the middle of the road.
The incident reportedly happened about 8 am, when most people were going to their offices.
The lady put a plastic bucket of water beside her on the road as vehicles were passing on either side of her.
She pretended as if she did not see people gawking at her as she proceeded to lather up her body with soap and then washed her body with a sponge as if in her private bathroom.
An eye-witness gave her age as falling between 25 and 28.
The strange lady spoke to no one and ignored the catcalls and side talk by pedestrians passing beside the road.
Motorists slowed down to catch a good glimpse of her and consequently caused a long stretch of slow-moving traffic, as captured in a video of the incident sent to Microsecondnews.
The practice of bathing n@ked in the open is associated with rituals by men involved in fraud, locally called Yahoo boys.
The ritual is believed to bring them good fortune and past cases of such open bathing involved men.
The sight of a woman bathing openly is very rare, which was why this particular incident grabbed the attention of onlookers.
Watch the video on our Telegram Channel here.