
‘Someone committed murder and they are pinning it on the dogs’, X users query story of dogs mauling a man in Lekki

The guard lying down with three dogs nearby
The guard lying down with the accused three dogs nearby

Some users of the micro-blogging platform, X, are querying the story of three dogs reportedly mauling a man to de@th in Lekki, Lagos.

Recall that a video emerged on Tuesday, showing three dogs circling a man lying lifelessly on the ground at Pinnock Estate.

While many people are calling for the prosecution of the owner of the dogs who was accused of negligently letting them out, some X users are drawing attention to what they think are gaps in the story.

Many are querying why the clothes of the late guard were still intact and there were no visible bite marks on the exposed body parts of the man.

They are calling for a review of the estate CCTV if they have any, and thorough investigation of the incident by the police.

Read some of the critical comments:

Chimsom tweeting with @Sommmie__ wrote: “Lies. If it were the dogs they would’ve torn apart the flesh, there would be proper evidence of their crime there. Notice how they are just circling and sniffing? Someone committed a murder and they’re pinning it on the dogs.”

@1718priest: “The dogs didn’t do this, this is a cover up

  1. Mostly when dogs make a big kill like this, they don’t just leave it behind whole, it’s common for them to scatter parts of it around.
  2. Common man we see the blood on the floor, but not a single blood stain on even the brown dog

Ogunseye Elizabeth A (@AnuoluwapoSisi): “Did you record the part where they did this act you just accused them of? Because if you know dogs you’ll know when they’re angry or in attack mode and this video doesn’t even look like such”

Àsàké Alágbo (Herbals): “They were the ones that killed the man and they are this calm? The way they’ll be growling at that man flashing light at them ehn! No blood stains on their mouth, the one inside gutter self is just flexing, the three of them would have been fighting over the body, no marks, no blood stains, no angry expression from them.

This video shows they’re also wondering what happened to the man, further investigation needs to be done.”

@mooregrin_: “Personally I don’t think Boerboels can do this except they were all trained eating raw meats, the story is not complete and how big could the estate be that his running and shouting wasn’t noticed ?”

@Mrlekan213: “I don’t think this is a dog attack, three dogs can handle a man and that body will still look like that?”

@Kenzzy_Ojay: “Something isn’t adding up, I see 3 dogs approaching a lifeless body. My POV now is, what if the man was on drugs? what if he just collapsed? what if he was hit by a car? why’s his body still intact? why’s his clothes not torn apart? why’s there no blood stain on the dogs mouth? A set up?

Besides who is that person that record this video”

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