Indians mourn passing of lady who donated part of her liver to save her in-law
Donor, 33, d!es, while recipient, 65, survives

Indians are currently mourning the tragic passing of a woman who heroically stepped forward to donate part of her liver to save her mother-in-law’s sister.
Arcana Bhabhi reportedly offered part of her liver to save the life of Maasi who reportedly took ill and needed a transplant.
The surgical operations for both the donor and the recipient were thought to be successful and Bhabhi who got married nine years ago returned home to her husband and their four-year-old son, Kshitij.
Things turned south, however, when Bhabhi was unable to eat or talk.
The husband rushed her back to the hospital where it was discovered that the remaining part of her liver had been infected.

Days later, she died of multiple organ failure at the age of 33.
Maasi, on the other hand, who is aged 65, is recuperating.
Bhabhi’s husband took to social media to post a video that celebrated his departed wife, whom he called an angel who laid her life down for his aunt, Maasi.
He noted in the video that Maasi was yet to be informed of Bhabhi’s passing.
The story has attracted wide attention, with many hailing the deceased as a hero.
Some others are, however, questioning the rationale for asking a 33-year-old to donate part of her liver for a 65-year-old woman.
Some also speculated that the deceased must have been pressured to donate part of her liver by her husband and his people, but there is no evidence to support this.
The husband claimed Bhabhi loved Maasi like her own mother and also insisted she would go through with the procedure when they tried to prevail on her not to do it.
Watch the video here.