
Student drags Bell University for unjust rustication over TikTok Challenge (Videos)

Calls out two schoolmates for allegedly lying against her


A 300-level student of Bell University has taken to social media to drag the institution for rusticating her for one year over a video she did in the school hostel.

The student, who is known as JustMera on TikTok, accused two of her schoolmates of lying against her to ensure she was sent away from the school for one academic year.

In a series of videos posted on her page, Mera said she took part in the ‘Twe’ challenge while in her hostel and inadvertently captured two girls in the background.

Before posting the video, Mera said she blocked the face of the lady who was not properly dressed and was captured in the background.

She said the lady who was not properly dressed, identified as Isabela, came to her after she posted the video to express concern that she might be identified by those seeing the video.

Mera said she assured her that it was not possible because she covered her with an emoji. She said Isabela asked if it was not possible for someone to remove the emoji used to cover her and she responded that it was not possible.

She said the lady then mentioned to her that there was another lady, identified as Mariam, who also was not happy that she appeared in the video.

Mera said the lady was properly dressed and she saw no reason she should be apprehensive about appearing in the video and that in any event, Mariam should come to her to express her reservations directly.

She said she was later told the lady was a ‘Hijabi’, a Muslim who would not like people to see her hair.

Mera said there was no way she could have known that and she did not come to her to tell her anything.

She said the two ladies later reported her to the Dean of Student Affairs and she was charged with ‘Cyberbullying’.

She faced a panel and was rusticated. She appealed the decision, but the panel said she did not show any remorse and upheld the rustication.

Consequently, although she was to graduate next year, her graduation has been deferred by another year.

In one of her videos, she wrote the following:

“I have been silenced all my life for things that were done to me against my will or to my demise in the past but i told myself that i refused to remain quiet especially In cases like this, not in 2024 ! No way. I have a lot more to say about the things that have been done to me in that school and i will mention every single thing down to when i was physically assaulted by female lecturers twice. Bells University you think you can go low? I will go lower ! Infact 6ft underground.”

Watch her full narration here

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