A middle school teacher from Texas is trending and receiving accolades online after he grabbed his gun and saved a teenage girl from being attacked outside his home.
According to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, a man had, apparently, stalked the 15-year-old girl into a gated apartment complex after she got off a Metro bus on Houston’s east side around 12:30 a.m. on July 28.
The stalker wanted to take advantage of the quiet neighbourhood to molest the girl but failed to factor in the role of good Samaritan David Garza who dashed out when he heard the girl screaming for help outside his apartment.
Garza did not even wait to put on a pair of trousers.
Narrating the event to KHOU later, Garza said he looked out of his window and saw a man beating up a woman and trying to yang off her clothes.
Security footage shows that Garza immediately grabbed his gun and ran outside to confront the attacker.
Once outside, he yelled to them “What’s going on?” and the girl screamed that she was 15 and needed help.
Garza said he pointed the gun at the man and told him to get off the girl.
A neighbour later told KHOU they believed Garza saved the girl from a potential tragedy.
The neighbour said he was scared the girl was going to get raped and added that if Garza had not come out she would have been r@ped.
According to Garza, it was not the first time he had saved a child from attack, and added that he would not hesitate to do it again even though he “was scared, too.”
Police are now looking for the suspect, who was wearing a black hoodie with a white Reebok logo, blue jeans and white tennis shoes at the time of the attack.