British Airways pilot being tried for ‘filming himself spanking n@ked crew member’ after having s3x with her

A British Airways pilot is being tried for voyeurism after he allegedly filmed himself spanking a n@ked cabin crew member before sending the video to friends without her consent.
The court heard that Tim Capron, 37, met the woman on Tinder where they discussed their s3xual fantasies.
After having s3x with the woman, Capron asked her to wear a blindfold before he smacked her backside with the crop and later shared photos and videos of the actions with his friends on WhatsApp.
Reading Crown Court heard that when the woman found out what Capron had done he said: ‘I am so sorry. I am glad that you caught me doing it because I should not have done it.’
The Sun reports that Capron was then arrested two weeks later in September 2021 after the woman reported him to the police.
The court also heard that Capron, who earns £90,000 a year as a pilot, texted fellow BA pilot Steve Farnworth to say: “When I have got her blindfolded is it safe for you to see a few videos?
Prosecutor Stefan Weidmann said: ‘You knew what you were planning to do was bang out of order.
‘You are an educated man, Oxford, you fly a plane worth millions. You knew full well that she did not consent to being filmed.’
Capron, who was suspended by BA on full pay in December, told the jury: ‘I thought she would enjoy Steve enjoying what she looked like, so to speak.
‘At the end of the day, that was my mistake.’
The Jury heard, that Capron had enjoyed threesomes and had also been filmed in the past.
Capron, of Taplow in Berkshire, denies one count of voyeurism.
The trial continues.