Man calls off engagement after picture of singer Chris Brown carrying his girl went viral

An American man, Jared Jay Sims, has called off his engagement to his girl after she posted a picture of herself with singer Chris Brown.
The lady attended the singer’s concert and got a one-on-one moment with the artiste backstage.
A picture she innocently posted on her Instagram page shows her beaming with smiles as Chris Brown carried her intimately.
The picture went viral and attracted negative comments to the embarrassment of Sims.
In a note he posted online, he wrote:
This was my soon to be fiancée! I am heartbroken! Devastated! Embarrassed and bamboozled! Once I seen this photo and seen how viral it’s gotten with the insensitive comments, I ended the engagement immediately”.
Read some comments:
@WonderlandJoe: “Honestly, if a photo can end your engagement, maybe it wasn’t built to last.”
@TalemSeko: “Women will always want to live the moment and regret later… Chris won’t even remember he carried a lady 😹😹😹.”
@hughart_michael: “He just saved himself a lot of trouble”
@eloneagleman: “Way to stand up for yourself bro!”
@BelieverMindset: “Good man. He didn’t deserve this treatment!:
@cyphernk: “Ain’t way way she just lost her man because of chris brown”
@GlizzyGovenor: “Imagine losing your whole relationship over 30 seconds with Chris Brown💀💀”
@inezalbright2: “When a rich nigga wants you, and yo nigga can’t do nothing for ya!! 🎶 😂😂😂😂😂”
@Themba_Taylor: “Im sure bro even gave her the money thinking she wanted it for something else only to find out she went to blow it all on Chris”
@Irunnia_: “A king. If she can do this in your front, imagine what they can do in your back”
@slumskull: “She belongs to the streets. No woman of marriage material would opt for that kind of photo. You dodged a bullet my man.”
@shewie____: “I’m wondering why she didn’t just take a normal picture with him”
@JulieKennis2: “I would never take a picture like this if I was in a relationship. It’s disrespectful.”