‘He beat the hell out of me in pregnancy’, new mum continues to drag her husband after he denied squandering her CS money

The lady, Susan Ubangha, who has been dragging her husband on social media for some days now has threatened to open more cans of worms about him after he denied the allegations she laid against him.
In her most recent tweets, she said the girl who is assisting her and her aged mother to run errands showed her the posts made by her husband to deny all the allegations she laid against him.
Susu said was deeply pained by the allegations, and that as such, she would no longer heed the advice of those who said she should calm down and take the matter out of social media.
Susan also known as Susu said her husband used to beat her mercilessly and even beat her when she was pregnant with their baby.
She insinuated that her first public outcry asking for help to save her life did not go down well with her husband who allegedly resorted to beating her.
Read some of her latest tweets, using her handle @Pharm_prenuer.
She wrote: “The girl who has been running around helping me and my aged mom to get whatever I need showed me the kind of damage control this man typed and I’m very pained.
Because I did not add evidences of his beatings even while I was pregnant and just asked for help to save my life?
½ Or is it when I was 7 months gone and complaining of his cultist activities to his uncle?
I’ve enough pictures and videos of all the beatings I’ve received and if he keeps trying to get close to me seeing the help I received, trying to appease, I will help wash his life here…
Or that the fool even collected money for naming while I was still battling for life at the hospital?
I’m pained, even though I’ve been told to stay off the media and get better, I’m pained.”
She also attached some chats as evidence of her claims.
Meanwhile, some of Susan’s followers on X have dug out old tweets where she praised her husband to high heavens.
They are now asking her what happened that she has now changed completely against her husband.
In one of such tweets, she talked about how the pregnancy had transformed her body to a point that she could not recognise herself in the mirror. She thanked God for a ‘supportive partner’, referring to her husband.
Netizens pointed out that it was either that she was covering him up when he was maltreating her or that she did something really bad that got the man to change from being good to being evil.
Susan has not responded to the tweets.