Victims of car accident incriminated by video showing them having s3x seconds before crash (video)

A video evidence found on the phone of a couple has indicted them after their car was involved in a crash.
The car ran off the road and crashed into a ditch with the driver and his partner narrowly escaping death.
A review of the driver’s phone by the authorities, however, showed that the driver and his female companion were responsible for their own misfortune.
The couple set up a phone camera to capture their intimate moments in the car which was cruising on the highway.
The clip shows the female companion bouncing on the lap of the driver, who has his seat reclined, as their car cruises along the expressway.
The lady tilted herself towards the window to enable her man to see the road ahead of them. However, the man got carried away at some point and took his eyes off the road.
The lady can be heard shouting, “Watch out, watch out!”, prompting the man to quickly raise his head and grab the steering, but it was too late as the car crashed and the camera went blank.
The squeal of someone in pain can be heard after the crash and the camera has turned dark.
The precise location of the accident is not shown in the video or its caption, but it is believed to be in Zimbabwe where the video is being rapidly passed around.