‘Junior Pope was offered a jacket, but he did not take it’, Producer, Adanma Luke (Video)

The producer of the film that claimed the life of actor Junior Pope, Adanma Luke has said that the late actor was offered a life jacket but he did not take it.
Adanma Luke spoke in a lengthy video that is currently trending online.
She said her production manager told her a life jacket was offered to Junior Pope, but he said it was dirty and did not use it.
He said some three of the crew members used life jackets and they survived.
Luke who was emotional during the video said she was also told that immediately after the boat capsized, Junior Pope was asking if everyone was okay.
“They even threw an empty gallon to him to hold on to and he seemed fine” she said, adding that the crew members were however surprised that at some point they could no longer see him.
Watch the full accounts here.