‘Your favorite actors, movie producers r+p£ minørs in Asaba movie industry – Lady

A Nigerian lady, Anne Nnebedum, has accused players in the Asaba section of Nollywood of indulging in unwholesome and criminal acts.
Nnebedum said she quit acting on account of these unprofessional acts.
She wrote on Facebook:
“I think it’s time to expose Asaba film sets
If you have worked in Asaba film sets you would know how they lgnorantly do dare d’evil scenes without any safety measures
This was the reason I had to quit there cause it messed up with my m’entaI health and instead of me to continue complaining, I’d rather leave
It’s cause this particular scene caused the d€ath of a popular person that’s why awareness is being thrown out
Let me give you instances of daredevil scenes done in Asaba
Using REAL LIFE Anaconda snake to do scene to portray 0gbanje and they tell you that they have juju controlling the snake, then they tell the upcomer actress to enter river with the snake , knowing that it’s a wild animaI that can flip and kiIl that actor
Sometimes they bring p’oisonous cobras 😡😡 and claim juju would make it not to bit€
Another d’aredevil scenes they do is “fir€ scene”, the way they do it ehn, if you see it you would panic! Mind you no fire extinguisher 🧯 close by o
If you are telling them that safety should be priority, they would alienate you like you are the fo’ol whereas all them d’umbasses are the wise ones
Another d’aredevil scenes they do is w€apon f’ight, this people legit like to prove points and do sina Rambo and zubby Michael
Especially the upcomers, they legit hit themselves real hard with real bottles, sometimes people bIeed on set
And they laugh about it cause, treatment is taken and they get away with some of it
Another d’aredevil scenes is “River scenes in unsurveyed area”
Like any river na river.. what they do is just to go call a juju person that would give them a go ahead
I remember one time I was talking about random wide animaIs in the river side and how someone with g’un (a well experienced security) should be around, they took it as too much talk that would incure expenses
I walked out of that set! Cause it was disgustin
Juju is the safety method they take there
Many upcomers we don’t know about have lost their lives in Asaba but was covered because they are not known
Asaba film set prioritize juju more than anything, same with Yoruba film set
Another thing that would come to light soon is how they r’ape upcoming underage actress in the industry
Even popular actors, producers, directors that are your fave do this
It’s sad that jnr pope h’ead followed to create the awareness
Cause trust me, if he didn’t join in, those crew d€ath won’t be heard! It would be swept under the carpet real fast
It’s just sad! This messed with my sleep last night, I was awake on social media
I don’t know why people choose to stress me like this 😭
Same yesterday, accid€nt on third mainland bridge 😭”