Nigerian student reportedly to be deported for issuing terrõrist threat against a university in the U.K.

A 26-year-old Nigerian Master’s degree student, Somtochukwu Okwuoha, faces jail and deportation after a jury found him guilty of making a terrorist thr£at against Dundee University.
According to the BBC, the International Energy Student claimed he had enlisted a terrorist group, ISIS, to help bomb the university and told staff he planned to target the city in a chemical attack.
Okwuoha was found guilty of seven charges and was remanded in custody.
A trial heard that Okwuoha told university staff he planned to carry out mass m¥rder on the Dundee University campus.
He said staff members received emails making a terrorist threat.
One email said: “Expect a massive bomb explosion at the University of Dundee. I have contacted Isis t+rrorists to plant b%mbs on campus. I can assure you staff and students will d in great numbers. 9/11 will be a joke compared to what will happen. Blood will spill and flesh will be sc@ttered.”
Keith Mackle, 58, now retired director of student services, told Perth Sheriff Court he became aware of “serious concerns” in the autumn of 2021.
He said staff members received emails making terrorist threats.
“I can assure you staff and students will die in great numbers. 9/11 will be a joke compared to what will happen.
“Blood will spill and flesh will be scattered.”
Trouble started when Okwuoha accused accommodation officer, Shane Taylor of being racist. He told him he planned to wipe out the Scottish people as revenge.
He was also found guilty of threatening to behead police officers and detonate bombs he had planted at Dundee University.