‘No love here. We pay men to sleep with us’ – Nigerian lady cries out

A Nigerian lady has cried out over lack of marriageable single compatriots in her country of domicile, Germany.
The distressed lady who took to social media to make the lamentation said the scarcity of eligible bachelors is forcing ladies to go beyond the call of duty to entice men and put them in their beds.
The lady lamented that back home in Nigeria, men would chase her and profess their love night and day and she would be spoilt for choice.
However, since she relocated to Germany, she claimed she has not been enjoying any attention from the few Nigerian men in the part of Germany where she resides.
She lamented that she literally had to beg a man to visit her at home and to ensure there was no disappointment, she would have to provide the transport money upfront.
Once the man arrived, she would have to cook for him before he would warm her bed and after they are done, she might not see him again.
She told ladies in Nigeria to appreciate what they have.