
Chilling videos show man on scooter shooting pedestrians in New York

Man on scooter shoots pedestrians randomly
Man on scooter shoots pedestrians randomly

A footage has emerged showing the moment a scooter-riding madman casually rode his bike around a Queens, New York neighborhood on Saturday, July 8, shooting unsuspecting pedestrians.

He killed an 87-year-old man and wounded many others.

All appeared quiet on Jamaica Avenue in Richmond Hill as the aged pedestrian strolled along the sidewalk, the footage shows.

Then, the gunman, whose name has not been released, rides by on his scooter, reaches out his arm and opens fire, aiming first at a dog walker and missing, according to the clip obtained by The Post.

The sound of the shot appeared to prompt the older man to turn and look behind him, and as he does, the shooter fires again, striking him in the back.

The dog walker fled as the older victim, now alone on the sidewalk, appeared startled and starts to writhe in pain.

Blood then seeps across the front and back of his shirt, the video shows. He bends over, clutching his back but eventually falls to his hands and knees, before someone runs across the street to help.

A moment later, the victim, 87, collapses onto the pavement.

The terrifying scene was one of five incidents in which the scooter shooter rode around Brooklyn and southeast Queens on an illegal scooter, opening fire on what police said appeared to be “random” targets, shooting four people. In all, one person was killed and three others hurt, authorities said.

A second clip shows a quiet intersection, empty until a man in shorts and tank top walks quickly across the street — and the same gunman zooms by, takes direct aim and pops off a shot that sends the man falling to the ground.

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