
Two grown men fight on Twitter over an incident that happened in their primary school two decades ago

Two men disgraced each other on Twitter recently over an incident in their primary school over 20 years ago.

It began when a Twitter user named Ayo took to the platform to reveal a scar he has which he said was given to him by someone named Edun Tomisin when they were in primary school.

He claimed Tomisin gave him the scar because he was jealous of his brilliance as he displaced him twice by taking the first position.

He tweeted: “Edun Tomisin, I haven’t forgotten neither have I forgiven you – Damiland Nursery & Primary School, Iju-Ishaga.

You stabbed me with a rusty blade because I displaced you twice by coming first on getting a double promotion to join you in Pry III.”

Edun Tomisin saw the tweet and responded robustly.

He wrote:

“Oh wow! 😂

You know what you son @UnkleAyo?

A vile, Horrible, Narcissistic dumb fuck who deserves nothing good in this life or in the life to come.

First of all, my sincere apologies for the scar.

That being said.

Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I was a spoilt roughian kid as they call it then. I was clumsy to a fault. This particular accident however was a mistake as I remember. I was sharpening my pencil and someone pushed me and you just happen to be at the wrong place at that moment.

I remember explaining to the proprietor, Hon Olu Elijah Adewale (may he soul rest in peace), how it was an accident and he still went on to beat the hell out of me. No grudges. I wouldn’t trust anything I said at that point in my life.

What you failed to tell your thousands of followers who obviously are your source of happiness and achievements, is that you were worse than I was back then and a terrible human being. You derived pleasure in putting your classmates in trouble and because you were the smallest

“Neither did you tell your followers how you also stabbed me with compass, and in your usual way or manipulating, you got just a spank on the wrist.

Did you tell them I was the one that reached out to you first? And that you refused to reply my messages?… In class, you found a way to manipulate the teachers and anyone who cared to listen.

You didn’t mention to your followers @UnkleAyo how you poured my food away on several occasions and called it an accident and everyone believed you.

But honestly @UnkleAyo, your life must be really fucked up cos how do you think someone in pry 3 would harm you cos of coming first or gaining double promotion? 😂.

This really cracked me up.

first position and double promotion?

I’m sure your tailor dad and trader mum will be really ashamed of you for this post.

I’m not perfect but trust me, I’m way better than you and the people I have around me can testify to that.

Again, another attempt to score a cheap point. You didn’t find me John wick. I’ve been in your dm all the while. 😂

How hard is it for you to be honest for once in your miserable life Ayo?

I may not be popular on this tweeter streets, which isn’t a thing for me, but if you think you can soil my name and get away with it, then you must be delusional.

Finally I’ll leave you with this quote,,

“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,

Philippians 3:13 NKJV”

I’ve left the past, you should too

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