A medical doctor is under fire on Twitter after announcing that he dismissed a lady who refused to tell him her complaint because she preferred to see a female doctor.
The doctor, tweeting with @maxvayshia, wrote: ”This girl walked into my consultation room and refused to say what her presenting complaint was cos “She expected to see a female Doctor”. Didn’t even bother encouraging her. Told her to come back when a female Doctor will be on seat (February 18th). I don’t have time.”
While some of the doctors aligned with the male doctor, others condemned his action as being against medical ethics, which prescribe that the doctor should have done everything within his power to make her comfortable and also see her preferred doctor.
See some comments below.
@OmobaFash1 wrote: “That’s her business.”
But @OwoichoAluh wrote: “Wanna lose your practice licence just for a few *likes* *retweets* and *engagements*?”
@JOrhiere: “But you know this is bad practice sha???? That patient has a right to everything she wants and dismissing her like that is very wrong. That would never happen in a sane clime. You would go in for it if anything happens to that patient. You haven’t performed ur role as a doctor”
@Edocoral: ‘What a horrible, nasty way to speak about a patient. I pity your patients. Are you a doctor with compassion and empathy at all?”
@_kayyler: “So you’re telling me that you as a medical doctor, got offended that a woman felt safer seeing a female doctor and then sent her away instead of providing her with the safe space she needed by referring her to one?, and you’re a doctor??.”
@proudsouthsouth: “Three male doctors took care of me during delivery. What is she afraid of?”
@JOrhiere: “My dear friend, I would actually advice against this post. You are indicting yourself right now. You never know what lies ahead”
@Cyntdgreatest: “Some people are in the wr0ng profession.
One told me recently not to call him in non working hours and not to send him voice note too. I made the call 6:55am my daughter was in pains (she had spiral fracture)n I had specific ways to talk to her “doctor”. I still dn’t knw how I let it be”
@NseIkpe3·: “Doc it can be unnerving to allow a male doctor carry out an examination on me o. I remember when I did a transvaginal scan, it was so awkward. 😀I wanted a female Doctor but when dem no answer me, I had to comply.”
@Krystal_Queer01: “This is an utterly disgraceful thing to post as a doctor. Many factors determine why a female patient would want to be seen by a female doctor and it’s sad anyone has to remind you.”