‘They’ve cut off blood supply to my hands with rope’- Abducted hotelier’s last conversation with relative (Listen)

The last conversation between abducted Maryland, the United States of America-based hotelier, Olugbenga Owolabi, and one of his relatives has been put online.
In the audio clip, the hapless hotelier can be heard asking how much had been raised for his ransom. He was told only N1.4 million had been raised.
He exclaimed at the news that he was in big trouble, adding that he might be killed that night.
He asked if any of his friends had donated anything yet and was told the friends promised to get back by the following day.
The late Owolabi then pleaded with the relative to please call them or pass the numbers to him to call them.
He said the rope on his hands was so tight that blood flow had been restricted. He also revealed that something was put on his head.
Listen to the depressing audio here.