
Cat makes an appearance in virtual court hearing

Internet excited as someone calls him an 'Advocat'

The face of a cat showed up in a zoom trial in Texas on Tuesday instead of the expected face of a lawyer.

This forced the lawyer in question to quickly clarify that he is “not a cat” when he was unable to turn off a filter that turned his face into a kitten.

The judge at the 394th Judicial District Court hearing and other parties waited as the lawyer, Rod Ponton, battled with the technical difficulties that had temporarily altered his identity.

“I’m here live. I’m not a cat,” Ponton says in the video.

Judge Roy Ferguson, who presides over the district, tweeted a clip from the video as a caution to other court professionals.

“IMPORTANT ZOOM TIP: If a child used your computer, before you join a virtual hearing check the Zoom Video Options to be sure filters are off. This kitten just made a formal announcement on a case in the 394th,” Ferguson tweeted.

A follow-up tweet commended Ponton on handling the situation with professionalism.

“These fun moments are a by-product of the legal profession’s dedication to ensuring that the justice system continues to function in these tough times. Everyone involved handled it with dignity, and the filtered lawyer showed incredible grace. True professionalism all around,” he wrote.

Ponton said he was using a computer borrowed from his secretary. He said he eventually was able to figure out how to disable the filter, and the hearing proceeded without further incident.

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