
Nigerian lady disrupts her husband’s wedding ceremony to his second wife (video)

A Nigerian lady showed up unannounced at the wedding reception of her husband and a second wife in Minna, Niger State and created a commotion.

According to a report by Northern Hisbiscus, the wedding was progressing smoothly at the high brow Justice Legbo Kutigi Conference Hall when the first wife of the man showed up.

It was learnt that being Muslim, she was not totally opposed to the idea of a second wife but insisted on being accorded the right of the first wife.

She was said to have proceeded to sit on the lap of her husband for a picture opportunity but the husband, apparently felt she was taking the shine off the new wife and pushed her away.

This led to an altercation which dovetailed into a full-fledged fight involving the new bride, groom and the second wife.

The first wife was reportedly overpowered and beaten mercilessly. However, she refused to be cowered and continued to hold on to her husband.

Guests had a hectic time appealing to her to let go of the man’s garment.

The well-attended ceremony ended in chaos.

Watch the video below.

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