Lady whose photo is being circulated as one of those Francis Van-Lare slept with speaks

A woman has stepped out to defend herself after her picture appeared among the pictures of the women the controversial businessman, Francis Van-Lare claimed to have slept with.
Recall that Van-Lare released a list of women he claimed to have slept with on December 7. The list grew to over 200.
Van-Lare lamented that Facebook did not allow him to put pictures in front of the names.
However, on Saturday, pictures of some of the women Van-Lare claimed to have slept with sprang up on the internet.
One of the ladies whose picture was included has now spoken up, refuting the allegation.
She said her name was not even on the list released by Van-Lare and speculated that some bloggers must have gone to his page to harvest all the pictures of the ladies that appeared there.
She said her picture was harvested and is now being bandied as one of the women the businessman has slept with.
The woman said she met Van-Lare when he came to Nigeria and that she took a picture with him.
The lady reached out to Van-Lare to convince him to put out a rebuttal of the claim that he slept with her.
Van-Lare asked her to ignore it, but the lady said that as a woman, it was difficult to ignore.
Van-Lare did not consent to putting out the rebuttal.
The lady shared her chats with the businessman.