
“Marriage is a loss to every man” – Influencer reflects on demise of Mr Ibu

Mr. Ibu
Mr. Ibu

A social media influencer deduces that marriage is of no benefit to a man as he tables reasons backed with the life of the late Nollywood actor, Mr Ibu.

Mr Ibu passed on at the age of 62 on March 2nd following a cardiac arrest after battling elevated blood pressure for a while after his amputation surgery.

An influencer on the X platform identified as @Bongoideas argued that indeed marriage is a profitless investment for men as he reflected on the life struggle of the late actor.

He recounted the actor’s first divorce, followed by the drama between his second wife and his adopted daughter over money and properties.

In his words;

“Before Mr Ibu died:

▪️first wife divorced him & took away his savings

▪️Second wife accused him of sleeping with daughter

▪️Consequently, he suffered diabetes

▪️Had blood clotting & dead blood vessels in leg

▪️His daughter squandered monies meant for his surgery

▪️His wife still asked for iPhone 15 while he was dying

▪️He sold almost all his properties

▪️His leg was eventually amputated

▪️Finally, he dies abandoned with no wife, no properties, no money and no legs


Legacy ruined! Marriage is a loss to every man!”

Some of his readers disagreed with him. One of them reminded him that another veteran actor, Olu Jacobs is still standing because his wife is beside him as he battles dementia.

Bongoideas retorted that Olu Jacobs’ wife is hanging around because of what she would gain in the end.

He wrote: “Only Jacobs wife is still around cos the faunas she will make at the end will be more than the losses. That’s how all women think.”

Read some comments

zakisolja stated: “I disagree. If you marry right. It’s a blessing. Marriage (has) made some men with nothing become somebody. Don’t blame the beautiful thing God has created because someone made a wrong choice.”

Ovoh_of_Lagos said: “Who u marry determines how much life you have left.”

Ekweanuaobiagel penned: “Marriage was not a loss to my dad, my mum stayed with him in thick and thin and took proper care of him when he was sick, I am sure my dad died a happy man because he has got best of wife then, and dats how I intend standing strong with my hubby, marry a Godly partner.”

vian337 wrote: “Mr Ibu’s case is pathetic to say the least, but I don’t agree that marriage is a loss to everyman, in some cases the reverse is the case. May we not come across destructive spouses. A man/woman can never say they are lucky until they are married.

A wrong marriage will pause and destroy everything you have built and ruin your life beyond redemption. May we not make marital mistakes in life. Amen.”

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