
Camera captures lightning striking a moving truck in Florida (Video)

A man and his children travelling in a truck in Florida, United States of America, are lucky to be alive after lightning hit their vehicle and it was captured on camera.

The man and his family were returning from a vacation when it started raining. The man was driving ahead, while his wife and son-in-law were driving in the car directly behind him.

The wife, Michaelle May Whalen, was trying to record video of the spectacular lightning strikes going across the sky over St. Petersburg during the trip on July 1 when she captured a bolt that landed on her husband’s truck.

By some stroke of luck, the husband and their three children in the truck were unscathed. The truck was wrecked.

Michaelle said she kept missing the lightning strikes while trying to take pictures, so her son-in-law made a suggestion.

“It started to storm and I thought the lightning was neat, so I was trying to snap a picture of the lightning and missed every time,” Whalen said. “So my son-in-law suggested I slow-motion video record, and that’s when I captured the event on camera.”

The event was a lightning strike making direct contact with her husband’s truck.

After the strike, you can hear Whalen ask “is he OK?”

Whalen told Storyful that everyone in the truck was uninjured, but the vehicle was “completely fried.”

See the frightening moment the bolt landed on Whalen’s moving truck as captured by the lens of his wife behind him in the clip posted on our Telegram channel here.

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