
32 more Kaduna Baptist school students regain their freedom, 31 still in captivity

The armed bandits holding on to the abducted students of Bethel Baptist High School in Damishi, Kaduna State have released 32 of the remaining 63 students with them.

This was disclosed by the Chairman of the Kaduna State chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Joseph Hayab. He said the students were released on Friday, August 27, and have since been reunited with their parents.

It would be recalled that the Bethel Baptist High School in Damishi was attacked on July 5, 2021, by armed bandits who abducted a total of 121 students.

The bandits later released 28 of the students on July 25 after their parents allegedly paid N100 million as ransom.

Last week, the bandits released another batch of 15 students.

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