
Man sues prostitute for overdoing her work

A file image of a punisher dominatrix

A man in Germany has sued a prostitute he took home, accusing her of going beyond brief.

The gentleman hired a dominatrix for a night of painful pleasure, entailing him tying up and sensually punishing him. He told a Cologne district court  the lady put a knife to his throat before demanding his debit card and PIN number.

Cologne district court spokesman Dirk Esser said the plaintiff, a 49-year-old undertaker, also said the woman had detained him against his will for five hours.

The court decided that it was impossible to know for sure what really happened because both parties had consumed too much cocaine during their encounter.

It dropped the charges but ordered the prostitute to pay 200 euros to a local charity that supports crime victims as a penance.

The 35-year-old mother of four has been in pre-trial custody for the past five weeks, but declined to be compensated for time spent in jail, Esser said.

The dominatrix denied keeping the man against his will, adding that he had also asked if a transsexual colleague could join them.


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