
What the f*** are you doing here?” Ukrainian woman confronts a Russian soldier invading her country (video)

A Ukrainian woman was filmed confronting a Russian soldier hours after Russia’s invasion.

In the video which has gone viral online, the woman is seen telling the soldier that he has no business in her country.

“What the f*** are you doing in our land?” She asks.

When the soldier says they are there for “exercises” and says he’s Russian, the woman replies: “So what the f*** are you doing here?”

The soldier says the conversation will “lead to nothing” and asks her to move on, but she doesn’t budge.

She replies: “You’re occupants, you’re fascists. What the f*** are you doing on our land with all these guns?”

She then tells him that he and his comrades will ultimately die in Ukraine if they stay there.

With a reference to Ukraine’s national flower, she says: “Take these seeds and put them in your pockets, so at least sunflowers will grow when you all lie down here.”

The soldier tells her to “not escalate the situation” but she says: “What situation? Guys, guys, put the sunflower seeds in your pockets please.

“You will lie down here with the seeds. You came to my land. Do you understand? You are occupiers, you are enemies.”

She tells the soldier “from this moment you are cursed”, and when she’s told again not to escalate the situation, she says: “How can it be further escalated? You f***ing came here uninvited? Pieces of s**t.”

The footage has since gone viral, with people hailing the woman’s courage.

Watch it below.


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