
Mourners drop coffin, exchange blows over minor disagreement (video)

Chaos has ensued at a burial ceremony in Kenya took when a disagreement among mourners led to an exchange of blows.

Eyewitnesses said the trouble started when the family of the deceased insisted that it was against their tradition for their daughter to be buried in her partner’s homestead since he had not paid her dowry.

The family of the partner would have none of it and insisted on carrying on with the burial as planned.

A hot argument led to shoving and pushing and ultimately, fisticuffs.

A few of the young men slugging it out with each other found themselves in the grave dug for the deceased, but that did not stop their fight.

It took a while before sanity prevailed, but it was not clear if the burial was then allowed or the deceased’s body was taken to her family house for burial.

A social media user, @iamjoseh_ sided with the family of the woman, stating that in Luhya land, Kenya, a wife is not buried in her husband’s homestead if he had not paid the dowry.

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