
‘How my maid ruined chances of rescuing her abducted kids’- Nigerian lady

Amaka Bu Afam
Amaka Bu Afam, she tried her best to help her maid recover her abducted kids.

A Nigerian lady, Amaka By Afam, based in Rivers State has taken to Facebook to narrate how her maid ruined her chances of rescuing her three kids kidnapped by unknown persons recently.

She recalled that she came to Facebook some time ago to announce that the three kids of her maid were missing and sought assistance from members of the public to help locate them.

Providing an update on the incident, Amaka recalled that she was so concerned about the fate of the hapless children that she gave her maid money to go to the police to report the case immediately as she also made her own personal efforts to recover the children.

She said she visited radio stations to place announcements concerning the three kids and gave another money to her maid when she came with her sister to say that the police wanted more money to be able to track the children.

Amaka said she visited a television station where they requested a formal police report from the police headquarters before they could air the announcement.

At that point, she said she went to the police station and told them the case had earlier been reported to them.

She said she was surprised to hear that they had no such information, even after getting in touch with the station where the maid claimed to have reported the matter.

In the end, the maid reportedly confessed that she did not report the incident to the police.

She also allegedly confessed that the money she was given twice was handed over to her pastor who was helping her to pray to recover the children.

Till date, the kids have not been rescued.

Read her full account below:

“You people remember my Domestic Staff whose 3 Children were Kidnapped, well, I provided her and her family funds to make a case immediately at the Police station since it was a clear case of abduction.

She returned and said she did. The next day she was at my house with her two elder sisters said police needed more money. I gave her immediately without thinking twice.

I put out an alert to radio stations same next day. Took journalists to her house where they were interviewed. Went to RSTV and RSTV said I should get an official missing person report from the Command headquarters in the state. I drove down there with her and requested for extra radio calls to be made before officially asking for the missing person’s report.

Now let me mention that my staff was hired as a single mother. Said she does not live with the children’s father. They were seperated. We had worked together for 3 years before the incident happened.

She was asked at the heads quarters about the father of the children because they wondered why I, her employer, was the one doing the running around looking for the children.. and She said and I quote “I no get husband”

Now back to the Missing person report… The police station in the area where the incident happened called headquarters after the radio call saying they do not have any case like that. I asked my staff, she insisted that the case was entered at the station in the area.

Headquarters said they will not proceed with the report. I was treated with hostility from that point and it took my people skills to convince them to allow us go the police station in the area to resolve the issue.

All the while this was happening, my staff kept insisting that she entered the case at that Police station on the day the incident happened like I instructed her.

It was only when we were released and allowed to go to see the DPO of the local station… At the station, after much grilling, she confessed that the entire funds I gave her on the two occasions were given to her pastor as sacrifice to pray for the return of her children.

Pastor told her to ignore my directives and bring the money for sacrifice to God to pray for the return of the children. She obeyed the pastor and came the next day morning with her 2 elder sisters to lie to me that the police requested for extra funds and when I gave her the money she asked for, she took everything to the pastor.

It had been over 48 hours… Ample time for the abductors to go very far away with the children.

Till today, none if those children were found.

Ps: She is pregnant again at the moment for a man whose face I never saw all my years working with her and all the while I have been looking for these children.. Lol.

Anyways, I have relieved her if her duties, she no longer works for me and I have moved on.

I just want to thank those of you who helped me in sharing the info when I brought it here.

Poverty is a mindset. It’s not just the absence of money.”

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