
Let me not see tomorrow if I’m lying. Pascal is my baby’s father’, Cubana Chief Priest’s alleged baby mama blows hot

Cubana chief priest and his alleged baby mama, Hellen
Cubana chief priest and his alleged baby mama, Hellen

Hellen, the Kenyan lady who accused Pascal Okechukwu, better known as Cubana Chief Priest of impregnating and abandoning her has sworn that he is the father of her baby.

On a live question and answer session, Hellen cursed that she would not see the next day if she was lying.

“If I’m lying, make God k!ll me before tomorrow. May I not see tomorrow if I am lying,” she cursed herself to drive home her point.

She insisted that the DNA test must be conducted whether Pascal liked it or not.

When asked how many times they met before the pregnancy, Hellen said she was tired of repeating herself and would not want to say that in a live session.

“I cannot say that on live. We met several times. That’s all I’m gonna say”, she declared.

She also cursed Cubana Chief Priest, saying that it would never be well with him if he refused to do the DNA test.

“I’m not scared of you. You are not God,” she declared.

See clips from the live session here.

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