
German politician hit on the face with ‘soap’ cake during campaign (video)

Christian Lindner being attacked with soap cake by a woman
Christian Lindner being attacked with soap cake by a woman

A German politician and leader of the Free Democratic Party, Christian Lindner, was humiliated when he was slapped with a soap cake during a public event.

Lindner, a former finance minister, was slapped with a cake that he said was made out of soap during a campaign trail speech in Greifswald on Thursday, 9 January.

The Free Democratic Party leader was speaking at a campaign event for his party when a woman appeared on stage and threw a plate of soap foam in his face.

As he wiped soap the foam off and threw some on the woman’s hair, Mr Lindner said: “Unfortunately, it wasn’t cream, it was just soap… you could have done that better, then I would have got something out of it.”

The woman behind the caking was identified to be a 34-year-old member of the left part.

Watch the video below.

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