My ex-fiance dumped me four years ago because I said his mother couldn’t live with us after marriage

A Nigerian lady, Anthonia Umerah, has recalled how her engagement was called off by her ex-fiancé because she made a comment on a Facebook post that she would not let her mother-in-law live them after marriage.
Recalling the incident, she wrote a Facebook post on Tuesday, August 6: “Today made it exactly 4 years my ex-fiancé called off our engagement because of my opinion/a comment I made on a blog about the fact that I wouldn’t want my mother-in-law live with me and my husband in our matrimonial home when I get married.”
She recalled that her ex-fiancé was not happy with the comment and ultimately cancelled the engagement.
Anthonia Umerah said she was first sad about it and she regretted making the comment. She said she after two days, she stopped regretting the comment as she realized it was her reality, her choice and her truth.
Umerah said it was still her reality till today.
She said even her own biological mother could not live in her matrimonial home. She said she would rather rent a house for her mother or mother-in-law and hire a househelp for her rather than allow her to stay with her in her matrimonial home.
She said she loved her own space and privacy too much to allow anyone to stay with her and her husband.
Umerah said her mother-in-law could visit whenever she wanted and stay as much as she wanted and leave after your visitation but could not live permanently with her.
She said exceptions could be made if there was an issue of health challenges.
Umehah said his ex moved on and later got married to another lady but they separated after eight months and is trying to get back to her.
She claimed she had declined to get back to him.