Lady fired from her work hours after assumption gets new job ‘ten times better (Video)

The lady who went viral weeks ago after she was fired from her job by a company’s Managing Director only after a couple of hours of assumption of duty has landed a job ten times better.
She had posted at the time that a company accepted her to do her one-year national service with them and she assumed duty on the appointed date.
However, trouble started when the HR manager introduced her to the company MD who flared up over the flouting of his instruction on the type of NYSC members to hire.
She said the MD asked that she be sacked immediately. She posted a video to announce her shock at the development at the time and it went viral.
She has now taken to social media to give an update since her last video went viral.
In the update, she said she was inundated with offers from employers of labour who were touched by her plight and she did several interviews with new prospects before she was hired by a company.
She said her new place is ‘ten times better’ than the place she was fired from, which made her realize it was God looking out for her when she was fired from the first place.
She thanked the people who genuinely cared about her situation and reached out to her. She said she decided to post the update because she was still getting offers from concerned Nigerians and she would like to inform the public that she had settled into her new place.
Watch her video here.