Moment woman defaced posh car of her boyfriend of three years after he dumped her in Owerri (video)

A woman is trending after the video of a huge tantrum she threw at an eatery in Owerri, Imo State was uploaded online.
The video began when the duo were already exchanging hot words. There is a young lady with them in the early part of the video, which might suggest that the girlfriend caught the man cheating.
The lady throws what appears to be soup at the man who is lucky not to be severely smeared.
The lady then runs outside to use a sharp object to deface the man’s SUV parked in front of the eatery.
Other patrons advised the man to quickly move the car before she did more damage. Unfortunately, another car was parked directly behind the man, making it impossible for him to pull out.
The scene is believed to have played out on the last Valentine’s Day but there is no conclusive evidence to back this up.
Many men commenting online said they would never take kindly to such an act of vandalism.
Watch the video here.