I have joy anytime a girl is killed by her yahoo boyfriend’, says man reacting to the death of Justina Nkang
Receives backlash

A male courted online trouble after he wrote on Facebook that is always pleased whenever a fraudster kills his girlfriend.
Kosi Ugo made the controversial statement after UniPort student, Justina Otuene Nkang, was found dead in the apartment of her Yahoo-Yahoo boyfriend, Damian Okoligwe in Port Harcourt recently.
Kosi Ugo wrote on Facebook: “Every time a girl is killed by her Yahoo boyfriend and it makes round on social media, there’s this unexplainable joy I feel in my heart that money cannot buy.

“I always feel like looking for the boy to shake his hand and thank him for a job well done.”
Sometimes, it’s not always about you, but about the people who care about you.
Today was my rest day. I woke up quite late, only for me to log in and see this beautiful girl’s picture and I was broken. I was hurt, devastated and very emotional.
I’ve stood up for women. I’ve defended them. I’ve literally fought for them. So, this story broke me into two.
Yes, you have every right to think of me as a beast, but those who know me real life, will tell you I’m a very emotional person.
My first thought was to read the backstory and the narrative flying was that the beast of a boyfriend was a Yahoo boy.
That was when I lost it. Like, why?! Why? Why?! Everyday we keep reading stories about women who have died from rituals, domestic violence, etc.
I mean, look at Killaboi that was just arrested recently
And it all points out to one thing; the wrong choice of partner influenced by greed, lack of contentment, etc.
Hence, my initial post.
But, that was stupid of me. I shouldn’t let my anger make me irrational and inhumane.
This is a human life we are talking about and I’m deeply sorry for making that insensitive post.
Victim blaming should not be encouraged. A crime is a crime, no matter the but involved.
I’m deeply sorry to everyone I’ve hurt with that post and I pray this young girl’s soul finds rest.
God bless all of you.”
In another post, he wrote:
“This would be the very last post I’d be making on this issue.
Was I insensitive?
Wholeheartedly, I agree.
Was I less emphatic?
I totally agree.
But if you could read that post well, I said and I quote:
“I’m sure many of you are wearing your yahoo boyfriend’s oversized polo without paynt and typing RIP, but y’all will keep leaurnnnnnning the hard way.”
That was the message I was trying to pass.
You’re not oblivious to the fact that many a Nigerian girl know that their boyfriends are into fraud and still choose to stay with him.
Then when wahala breaks, the news will be all over the net.
I’ve never in my life deleted a controversial post before! Go and check! Never! I have never cared about comments. Never! It’s not today I started reading insults and threats.
But I understand this is human life we are talking about and emotions are high.
I’ve taken down the post and apologized for the insensitivity.
If that’s not enough, you can kindly unfollow, unfriend or block me like you’ve been doing since yesterday. I don’t care about your followership! I’ve been a one man army right from the days. So if you don’t like me or want to cancel me, feel free.
But, if you’re still on my page, let’s forge ahead.
Don’t tag me to posts, unless I’m being accused. If you do, you’ll get blocked.
Henceforth, it’s block and delete.
Feel free to gbawa door!