Young lady robbed, s3xually-molested after being lured with ushering job in Abuja (Video)

A young lady has taken to social media to expose the new trick of one-chance robbers after she was robbed and s3xually molested by some men in Abuja.
The lady, Faustina Dirissu, who goes by the name Pretty Choice on social media, said her neighbour sent her a vacancy notice about an ushering job and she contacted the advertiser to indicate interest.
She said she was told the event would last four days and she would be paid N10,000 per day.
Choice said she was interviewed on WhatsApp and was told she qualified and was to make herself available for the bus that would convey her and the others to the venue of the event.
By the time she got to the pickup point on the appointed date, she was told that the bus had passed and she had to find her way to another location where someone would pick her up.
When the person picked her up, Choice said she was alarmed that he was driving for too long and she asked him what was happening.
She said the man explained that he planned to take the back gate of the estate.
Soon after that, the man reportedly produced a gun and asked the lady to follow him into the bush where she was stripped naked, molested and robbed of all the money on her.
Choice said they asked her to call people to send her money and she could only think of a friend who also sent N30,000. The money was transferred to an Opay account with the name: Abdullahi Opeyemi Ajibade.
The thieves collected her two phones and later returned one, saying they did not want iPhones.
According to her, when the robbers were done with her, they asked her to look for her clothes flung into the bush to dress up as she was completely naked.
While searching for her clothes, she said she discovered that there were many female dresses in the bush apparently left by past victims of the robbers and she had to settle for a pair of jeans and a top that were not her own, as she found it difficult to locate hers.
Choice said she decided to make the video to prevent others from falling into the same trap and appealed to fellow ladies to be extra suspicious of job offers even from friends and neighbours.
Watch her full account and a reel of her exchange with the robbers here