Big Brother America contestant kicked off show for using N-word

A Big Brother America contestant, Luke Valentine, has been kicked out of the house after casually dropping the N-word in the middle of a conversation with other housemates.
Wednesday morning’s live feed captured Luke chatting with contestants Jared, Cory, and Hisam. He was heard saying “We were in the f****** (inaudible) room, n****.”
Luke immediately tried to correct himself by saying “dude” … and he laughs it off and later tells Jared, who is Black, that it was a slip of the tongue.
Jared didn’t seem all too concerned with Luke using the slur, telling him … “I don’t give a f***” … though it’s possible Jared kept his cool for gameplay purposes.
Confirming that Luke has now been kicked off the American show, CBS and the reality show’s producers told TMZ:
“Luke violated the BIG BROTHER code of conduct and there is zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur. He has been removed from the house.”