
Shocking video shows man trying to rape woman in the street

Shocking footage of a brazen attempt by a man to rape a screaming woman in the street in the United States of America has made its way to the internet.

The relationship between the man and the lady is not known, as not much information was given by the person who uploaded the clip to the internet.

The recorder of the scene started from the point the man who was completely naked but for a pair of flip-flops and socks on his feet held the lady from the back in a corner of a well-lit street.

The lady can be seen holding on to a structure for support with one hand, while struggling with a piece of cloth, believed to be her top with the man, with her spare hand.

The lady, still clad in a pair of jeans and bra repeatedly screams: “Help me, please. He’s going to f*ck me!”

There is no help from anywhere as someone films quietly from what appears from the window of a storey building.

The lady leaves the piece of cloth for the man and manages to break loose, running past a parked car and then onto the street with the naked man in hot pursuit of her.

The video has attracted severe comments from many viewers alarmed that such an incident could happen in the open street without anyone coming out to stop it.

Many of them have harsh words for the person who did the recording without lifting a finger to help the lady.

One of them with username, God’s own soldier wrote: “For the person that recorded but didn’t help that woman I pray God has mercy on your soul. Furthermore, I pray nobody watches that happen to your mother or daughter.”

Another person named, Kayla wrote: : “I hate men recording & laughing like that sh*t (is) funny but not helping that girl. You n***as would do anything but step in !! Do better”.

See the footage of the incident here. 

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