The case of the abduction of Pamela Chisupa, a Zambian mobile money agent abducted by unknown people took another twist when a man commented on a Facebook post that the victim would only be raped.
The man, Chipo Matongo, is currently in police custody at the Woodlands Police Station in Lusaka following his comment on a Facebook Post: “We shall just rape her”.
He was commenting on a story of the abducted Pamela Chisupa, who is still missing after being abducted on the 13th of April and tortured on camera by unknown people.
It is still unclear why Chipo Matongo made the comment, as no link has yet been established between him and the missing lady.
Many people believed it was simply an attempt to catch cruise. Many online commenters condemned the Chipo’s attempt to trivialize a serious matter, while some insist he should be held firmly and questioned more to reveal what he knows about the missing lady.