
Commotion as police storm Akoka address after lady tweeted she was being raped there

Omotoyosi raised an alarm she was being raped at an address at Akoka, Lagos.

A young lady, identified as Toyosi, set the entire Akoka and Nigerian Twitter into commotion this morning when she tweeted that she had been kidnapped and was being raped at an address there.

Her tweet read: “I’m being kidnapped, guys. I’m being raped. Number 78 Obayan Street, Pako, Akoka. Lagos”

The tweet went viral fast. Some concerned people who saw her tweet went in search of the address to rescue her. One of them brought along an armed police contingent.

The team arrived there only to find that the lady was not there. But the police, still suspecting foul play arrested every young man they sighted in the compound with a view to pinpointing whoever was holding the lady captive.

The lady apparently got wind of the chain of reactions that followed her tweet and quickly did a video to say that she was fine and people should stop bombarding the address. (See video below).

In the video, she said she was neither raped nor kidnapped. She also said she was not recording the video under duress and that she was at her own home.

The rescuers refused to leave immediately arguing that it was a typical script that a kidnapper would use, that is, forcing the captive publicly recant what she tweeted under duress.

A Twitter user who was part of the rescuers later said it appeared the lady and the guy in question had a ”thing”.

She added that some residents of the area claim the lady in question was just chasing clout and that nothing like that happened

But the police insisted on getting to the root of the matter and had not left the men picked up at the time of filing this report.

To compound the woes of the residents of the street, anyone seen recording the scene was chased down by the police and their phones seized to review what they recorded. A lady complained that her phone was seized but was later released after one of the men arrested and handcuffed told them she did not record anything.

Watch the video the lady shared and tweets below…


Police storm location after lady came on Twitter to raise alarm about being kidnapped and raped

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