Video of female Muslim preacher ‘casting’ out demons causes outrage in Muslim community

Some Nigerian Muslims have reacted to a video clip of a female Muslim preacher imitating pastors in casting out demons and sicknesses.
The clip that is currently viral shows the female Muslim preacher laying hands on a woman and commanding ‘any spirit not of God’ to leave her body.
People acting as church ushers were holding the woman and preventing her from falling as the preacher lays her hand and pushes the woman backwards.
Facebook users who reacted to the video, described it as unIslamic and a sign of the end time.
One of the people who have uploaded the clip on social media, Asiyah Aisha Alubankudi wrote on Facebook:
“This is embarrassing, reluctant to post but action must be taken ASAP.. This lady should be cautioned immediately before she starts deceiving gullible youths. This is unislamic and our Imams should intervene quickly. Im even confused, I dont know if they’re Muslims.