
Japada: Man moves his family back to Nigeria from UK without a job waiting (Video)


A young Nigerian, Olu, has shared the story of how he left the United Kingdom to settle down in Nigeria with his wife and two month-old son.

Olumedia, a professional photographer, shared the story on his TikTok page, disclosing that he acted purely on faith as a born-again Christian.

Olu said at the time he was making arrangments to relocate to Nigeria, he had no job lined up. However, after landing in Nigeria, a remote job he once had materialised.

This is the job he is currently doing in Lagos, Nigeria.

He wrote:

“I moved my entire family to a new country without a job lined up. With our two-month-old son, we left everything we knew in the UK for a new life in Nigeria. You might be thinking, what in the reverse japa is that? But God had a plan.

“My remote work had previously fell through right before our trip. We got on the flight without a job.

“To cut a long story very, very short, I am here now, in Nigeria with the remote job. And to top it all off, my boss is a Pentecostal Christian. God has a funny sense of humour,” he stated.”

Watch the video here.

Photo of MSN Reporter

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