
“I’m sorry, that’s wrong. It’s not in the Bible” – Pastor Adeboye apologises over tithe comment

Pastor EA Adeboye
Pastor EA Adeboye/Twitter

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor EA Adeboye, has publicly apologised for a statement he made regarding tithing.

In a televised message that went viral, Pastor Adeboye had previously claimed that those who did not pay tithes might not make it to heaven. The message sparked widespread discussion on social media, especially on X (formerly Twitter).

“I’m sorry, that’s wrong, and it’s not in the Bible,” Adeboye said, addressing his congregation.

He went on to explain that the Bible emphasizes peace and holiness as prerequisites for seeing God, not tithing.

He acknowledged that one can be both right and wrong simultaneously, using the example of how science once thought light travelled in a straight line but later learned it moves in waves.

The cleric, however, emphasised the need to pay tithe, adding that believers should even go beyond the ten per cent.

He said 10 per cent should be for beginners, while those who have grown more in the faith should consider doing 20 per cent or even 30 per cent.

He emphasized that limiting tithing to 10% is not ideal for everyone.

Watch his full explanation in the video here.

Photo of MSN Reporter

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One Comment

  1. Ngozi says:

    Dear Pastor Adeboye,

    The God of heavens required only 10%. Stop emotional blackmail with higher offerings that are used to build self empires for GOs. Meanwhile the impoverished faithful Tithers cannot afford your school fees or flight tickets.

    Jesus lived such a normal life that even his accusers on the passion week could not spotly identify him from his disciples but African GOs leave in influence with tithe payers money and the faithful tithers leave below poverty line.

    What have you used 20 or 30% to do since the fall of the economy under your anointed president? It is time to return Tithe paid by those poor widows, orphans and the down trodden. Their investments has yielded more than 100% of their trust fellowship deposit in Redeem.

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