
Thousands of international students in Canada protest govt plans to send them away after their studies (Video)


Thousands of international students in Canada are kicking against a policy twist that is aimed at forcing them to return to their home countries after spending fortunes to on tuition with the hope of settling down in the country.

Over 50,000 students are expected to be impacted by the policy tweaks announced ealier in the year in reaction to massive inflow of international students into Canada and its attendant effect on utilities and related infrastructure.

Omni News in a special report aired the concerns of some of the international students, one of whom told the TV station he spent three times the amount Canadians paid to acquire education with the hope of finding employment afterwards, only to be told his investment would go to waste.

Many of the students said they would be returning home to massive debts they took hoping to repay once they completed their education and settle down with a job.

You can watch the full report on our Telegram channel here.

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