
Actress Evan Okoro begs Delta State governor after demolition of her properties in Asaba

Evan Okoro and the demolished properties
Evan Okoro and the demolished properties

Nollywood actress, Evan Okoro, has cried out after the Delta State government demolished her properties in Asaba, the state capital.

In a video shared on IG, Evan said she was heartbroken by the demolition.

‘’This is not fair. I am heartbroken right now. Why are they doing this to us? Nigeria has happened to me. Everything is gone. My fish farm, my plantain”

In her caption, she called on the state governor, Sheriff Oborevwori to do something about the demolitions.

It is unclear why the state government is carrying out the demolitions.

Watch a video of her lamentations at the site of the demolition here.

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