
‘I don’t like watching penalty shoot-outs’ says Corps member before dying during Super Eagles AFCON semi-finals

Youth Corps Members


A member of the National Youth Service Corps serving in Adamawa State reportedly slumped and died during the penalty shootouts of the match between Nigeria and South Africa on Wednesday evening.

The Nation reports that the corps member identified only as Samuel from Kaduna State, allegedly passed away just before the final kick which secured Nigeria’s win in the match.

A witness recounted the event on a social media post.

The post read, “We lost one Nigerian during our victory celebration over South Africa at our sports viewing centre here in Numan.

“The corps member who is serving in Numan from Kaduna State fainted before the kick of the winning goal.

“He died before they could reach the hospital in Numan. May his soul rest in peace.”

Also, the NYSC Coordinator in Adamawa State, Jingi Dennis, on Thursday, said the corps member was confirmed dead at the General Hospital in Numan.

Dennis said, ”I received the news of his death last night. I hope to have more details today.

“According to his colleagues who went with him to watch the match, the late corps member told the people around him that he did not like watching penalty shootouts. He then bowed his head and all of a sudden, he collapsed.

”He was confirmed dead at the General Hospital in Numan by the doctor.”

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