
Scary moment homeowner narrowly misses a strike by a cobra chilling by his door (Video)

The snake chilling by the door of the man's house
The snake chilling by the door of the man’s house

A man is lucky to be alive after a cobra launched at him from where it was hiding on his front door and it was all captured on camera.

The door phone captured the homeowner approaching his porch (veranda) from outside and reaching out for the door handle when the snake launched at him.

He reflexively withdraws his hand before can be bitten and flees back outside.

A careful review of the footage shows that the man’s pet cat is outside intently facing the front porch while meowing as the homeowner approaches his front door. He is apparently trying to alert him to the presence of the strange guests by the door, but he fails to pay him any attention and nearly pays for the error with his life.

The date stamp on the video shows that the incident happened on the 16th of December, 2023, but has just been uploaded on X, where it has been viewed over 19 million times.

Watch the scary, near-death experience here.

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