
Woman blocking President Tinubu told to move during group photograph at COPE28 summit

Below, the lady blocks President TinubuAbove: After she was told to move
Below, the lady blocks President Tinubu
Above: After she was told to move

A trending video has shown the moment a Caucasian woman blocking President Bola Tinubu during a group photograph with King Charles and other dignitaries at the ongoing 28th UN Climate Change Conference COPE28 in Dubai was told to move.

The incident happened on Friday, December 1, during the opening session.

President Tinubu, King Charles and other dignitaries had filed out for a group picture when the woman walked all the way to the front to exchange pleasantries with King Charles who was standing next to President Tinubu. After the exchange of Pleasantries, she stood in front of President Tinubu so she could be in the group photograph. Tinubu’s aide who was making the video immediately called for the woman to move as she was blocking the President of Nigeria.

Watch the video here.

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