
Couple caught having s3x inside plane’s toilet during flight in UK (Video)

Couple caught in plane's toilet

Two passengers were red-faced after a flight attendant opened the toilet door and exposed them having a quickie.

The man’s trousers were pulled down, while the lady’s skirt were pulled up. The toilet was situated at the front of the plane and the entire passengers on the flight were focused on the toilet at the time.

The incident happened during an easyJet flight from the United Kingdom’s Luton to Ibiza on September 8.

The scene was captured by a passenger on the flight and posted on the internet.

It appears the passengers squealed on the couple after the man sneaked into the toilet to join the lady there.

In the clip, a member of staff was seen nervously standing outside the toilet doors as passengers eagerly waited for him to open it.

As he opened it, the couple was seen in a compromising position. The man involved in the act quickly slammed the door shut, as other passengers cheered and shrieked in surprise. One woman was heard screaming ”Oh my God”, before asking her friend if she had caught what happened on camera.

The cabin crew member who yanked the door open and his colleagues were not prepared for what they saw and appeared stunned.

It took a while before the couple came out fully dressed and they were loudly hailed by their fellow passengers.

According to the Independent, the couple was escorted off the aircraft by police once the plane landed in Ibiza.

EasyJet later confirmed that the incident took place onboard one of their flights and added that the police were also informed.

A spokesperson for the airline said: “We can confirm that this flight from Luton to Ibiza on 8 September was met by police on arrival due to the behaviour of two passengers onboard.”

There are no reports of any arrests as yet and the police is further investigating the matter.

While there is no UK law that explicitly deals with sex on a plane, it is ”an offence intentionally to engage in sexual activities in a public lavatory” under section 71 of the Sexual Offences Act 2004.

Meanwhile, the clip has left internet users amused who joked about the situation. One user wrote, ”Hope that wasn’t the pilot.”

Another said, ”Don’t know how that [is] possible I can just about stand up in one of those lol.”

Watch the clip here.

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