
Four men arraigned for gang-r@ping girl, 15

Four men are facing prosecution for allegedly taking turns to have carnal knowledge of a 15-year-old girl in Imo State.

Police operatives arrested Amarachi Nwodo, 39, David Ajuka, 22, Chima Uwandu, 43, and Osinachi Okoro for the offence and charged them before the Owerri Magistrate Court, presided over by Chief Magistrate Obinna Njamanze.

According to P.M.Express, the incident happened at various places in Owerri in Imo State.

The defence counsel, U. S. Nnadozie and G. O. Anyalebechi, applied for bail for the defendant. This was, however,  opposed by the Prosecution Counsel,  Mr. B. C. Iwu, on the grounds that the girl was suffering from a life-threatening disease.

Also, the prosecuting counsel further based his objection to the bail application on the fact that the defendants do not reside within the jurisdiction of the Court and they may not likely come to the Court to face trial.

The prosecutor insisted that the Court should consider the gravity of the crime committed by the defendants and deny them bail while noting that the defendants might abscond If granted bail, thereby obstructing justice.

The Chief Magistrate considered the submission of the prosecuting counsel and ordered that they be remanded in Owerri Correctional Centre pending the DPP’s legal advice.

The matter was adjourned till 17th August 2023.

Also in court was the State Secretary of the International Federation of Women Lawyers, C. O Iwunna, who also opposed the bail applications moved by the counsel to the defendants.

Part of the charges read:

“That you, Amarachi Nwodo m’, David Ajuka ‘m’, Chima Uwandu m’ and Osinachi Okoro ‘m’ between the month of November 2022 and March 2023, at Amaraku, triable in the Owerri Magisterial District, did unlawfully and indecently assaulted one Chiamaka Okehe f aged 15yrs and thereby committed an offence punishable under section 360 of the Criminal code, Cap. “C38, Laws of the Federal of Nigeria, 2004 as applicable in Imo State”.

“That you, Amarachi Nwodo ‘m’, David Ajuka ‘m’, Chima Uwandu ‘m’ and Osinachi Okoro ‘m’ between the month of November 2022 and March 2023 at Amaraku, triable in the Owerri Magisterial District, did conspire amongst yourselves to commit a felony to wit: Grievous Assault and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 516 of the Criminal Code Cap “C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 as applicable in Imo State.”

“That you, Amarachi Nwodo ‘m’, David Ajuka ‘m’, Chima Uwandu m’ and Osinachi Okoro, on the same date and place in the aforesaid Magisterial District, did unlawfully assault one Chlamaka Okehe ‘f by continuously having sex with her, which caused her harm in her vagina and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 355 of the Criminal Code cap “C38” Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 applicable in Imo,

“March 2023 at Amaraku, triable in the Owerri Magisterial District, did conspire amongst yourselves to Commit a misdemeanour to wit: threatening violence and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 517 of the Criminal Code, Cap. “C38”, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 as applicable in Imo State.”

“That you, Amarachi Nwodo ‘m’, David Ajuka ‘m’, Chima Uwandu ‘m’ and Osinachi Okoro ‘m’, on the Same date and place in the aforesaid Magisterial District, did conduct yourselves in a manner likely to cause breach of peace, by threatening one Chiamaka Okehe ‘f not to disclose to any One that you have been having unlawful carnal knowledge of her or else you will kill her and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 86(1) of the Criminal Code, Cap. “C38″, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 as applicable in Imo State.”

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